My Notes on "Poirot Last Case" - Good Bye Sir

"You never realize that lying back in an arm-chair with eyes closed , one can come nearer to the solution of any problem."

"I always enjoy excercising my ingenuity."

"It's like trying on the clothes until we reach the perfect fit - The truth."

"En bien in my early days in the police force in Belgium, I learned that it was very useful to read handwriting up side down."

Poirot once thought me in a very dramatic manner that romance can be a by-product of crime.

"If I had asked those people for information they would have shut up like oyster. But by making a statement (and a somewhat out of the way and prepoterons one) and by your contradiction of it, tongues a immediately loosened."

"Mon ami, what will you? You fix upon me a look of doglike devotion and demand of me a pronouncement à la Sherlock Holmes!"

"I very much fear. Remembering the long continued success of Jack the Ripper."

"There isn't such a thing that a murder kill at random. Either he removes people who stand in his path, or else he kills by conviction."

"It is there, in those questions, that the solution lies."

"Murder, I often noticed, is a great matchmaker."

"Do not jump to conclusion. I'm only pointing out that one's own personal reactions to people are singularly unsafe guides."

"I had to fall back upon the psycology of the crime and the personality of the murderer."

"For a murderer my friend, is more conceited then any creature on this earth."

"A man who has killed once will kill again - and again and again."

"This Hasting, will be my last case - and my most interesting criminal."

'Cher ami!' They were the last words I was ever to hear him say.

